The Results of an Empty Idea Journal

My idea journal where I keep ideas for new blog posts or things that I think will make a funny story is empty. I am not really sure what I am going to do about that. I keep waiting for things to come to be but they are not. Could it be that I have lost my touch?  So I guess that means the only thing left to do is write a totally random post.


My new favorite guilty pleasure reality show is Wife Swap. I don’ think that they make new episode but I found out that Lifetime plays this show for hours every afternoon. I put the kids to bed, grab my lunch and enjoy the crazy. I think that I like this show so much that it makes me feel normal and like I sorta know what I am doing in the job as a wife and mother. I mean, at least I have not installed video cameras in every room of my house to keep an eye on my kids or make them perform belly dancing shows.


Claire has taken to stomping her foot when she is mad or really wants something.  So when she walks in the room her conversation goes a little something like this. “Mommy!” stomp stomp stomp “I want a snack!” stomp stomp stomp “I want a snack, now!” stomp stomp stomp “Please.” I have no idea where this came from, maybe she is part horse.


This is just a typical dinner time conversation.

Hayden: Everything that moves and eats has a brain, right?

Me: Yes, Hayden.

Hayden: Because if you didn’t have a brain you wouldn’t be able to do anything. Brains help us live.

Me: Right. Now eat.

Jeff: Well, zombies don’t have brains and they move around.

Hayden: What’s a zombie?

Jeff: It’s an undead monster that hungers for human brains. They eat brains because they don’t have one.

Hayden: They have to have a brain. Everything has a brain.

Jeff: Nope they don’t they are zombies and zombies don’t have a brain they just eat them. Right, momma?

Me: *glaring*  Will you both just eat!?


When I buy the kids winter stuff like coats and boots, I try and buy them a size bigger than what they need in hope that they can wear them for a couple years. This is actually what I did when I had to get Hayden new boots this year. So I guess that it figures that he would lose one boot.  How a child loses only one boot is beyond me.


Jeff and I recently learned that even though the kids are being entertained by the electronic babysitter, we still need to lock the door when we decide to get a little ‘frisky”. You see the kids can now open doors and they don’t care what you are doing in the room. They just burst in no matter what.  All I have to say, is thank God it was still dark in the room, we were pretty much done, it was one of the little kids and they only ran in and out.


More totally random thoughts at The UnMom


0 thoughts on “The Results of an Empty Idea Journal”

  1. We don’t even have a door to our bedroom! We have to be absolutely positive the kids are asleep or get very creative with where we do it. Happy RTT.

  2. Something tells me that it will be Jeff’s responsibility to get up in the night to Hayden if he has a nightmare about undead monster zombies coming to eat his brains. Heh. Good one Jeff.

  3. Hubby and I have been caught a few times and asked “What are you guys doing?” Our reply…..”Tickling”. We now lock the door.
    And I would take a stomp anyday over my boys neighing and galloping through my house!!!
    .-= Momma´s last blog ..Randomness =-.

  4. I do the SAME THING when it comes to Wife Swap! I get the kids down for naps and then get my fix. Sometimes I even do some step aerobics on my Wii Fit while I watch because I’m so entertained that it makes my workout fly by. 🙂

  5. I walked in on my parents once, had no idea what they were doing though.. I just wanted my bathing suit that was in my mom’s closet, so I went it, got it and then left… 🙂
    .-= Emmy´s last blog ..Bunk Beds =-.

  6. it’s always a good idea to lock doors when sumthin sumthin’ happens. on the other hand, it’s also difficult when your child screams bloody murder when you’re not in the same room as he is. then the neighbors will know that sumthin’s going on. i have such child.

    .-= cheri´s last blog ..does anybody know me? =-.

  7. Jen, if you call this “empty”…..I could show you alot worse…really…

    What’s the foot stomping about? Mine does it, too. Are they teaching that now, maybe as a way to integrate all the senses? Really, I don’t remember doing that. Do you?

  8. One boot is missing? That’s weird. Do you have a dog? Our dog eats shoes…and socks. He loves socks!

    I can honestly say that we have never *wrapped presents* while the kids are awake. This may be why we rarely *wrap presents*. Maybe this should really be called *unwrapping presents*.
    .-= Connie @ Young and Relentless´s last blog ..Do You Have These Barbies? =-.

  9. My son lost one shoe of his very first pair of shoes. A $35 Stride Rite pair, at that. He couldn’t even walk yet. This was almost 2 years ago, and it still frustrates me that I have no idea where that shoe went.
    .-= Mary Ellen´s last blog ..I did some laundry =-.

  10. awesome!

    i totally do the same thing with buying my kids clothes. i feel sorta white trash making them wear something too big for them… but maybe i am because i hate spending so much money on something they will only wear for one season!
    .-= stephanie´s last blog ..what’s with spongebob anyway? =-.

  11. Boys are so random! I can picture mine having a conversation like that at the dinner table in the near future!

    We always shut the bedroom door… and lock it!

    I was laughing about Claire stomping her feet. Little Eli has started to pout and stick out his lower lip when he is mad. It totally does not work on me! Actually it makes me laugh!

  12. Wife swap is interesting – it always amazed me that people readily signed themselves up for this yet always ALWAYS ended up in tears! Makes for good mindless TV! 🙂

  13. OMG! That almost happened to Russ and I last night! Emma has taken to getting out of bed (and her room) every.single.night and she just walks right in! thank God for darkness is right! sheesh!

    LOL about Jeff & hayden & zombies!
    .-= debi9kids´s last blog ..My (Almost) Birthday Boy =-.

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