“Mom, I Peed”



I don’t care who you talk to but when it comes down to it, diapers are just easier.

Sure they cost a lot when you are buying them to cover 3 little butts and sure, they produce a heck of a lot of pollutions but when you put a diaper on a child you are done.

You don’t have to make 1200 trips to the potty in every single store you go into. You don’t have to scrape poop crusted in underwear because a certain child didn’t say anything. And you certainly don’t have to deal with large pee puddles in the middle of a check out lane in the grocery store.

Diapers are awesome and my children will be in them until college!

Let me back up and tell you what happened that caused me to decide to forever keep my children in diapers.

First you need to understand that potty training is a job that I just loath. I can’t stand it and as a parent I dread it. So that is why I wait as long as possible to train my children.

To me, training a child at two or even younger is just silly.  Sure they are two year olds that can pee when placed on a potty but I believe that they are too young to understand how the whole process works. I want my children to be able to tell me that they have to potty and not me having to tell them its time to potty.

I am potty trained and have been for 30 some years, thank you very much.

So that is why about 3 weeks ago, after weeks of watching Quinn and Claire tune into their bodies and begin to tell me when they pooped and peed in their diapers, did I decide to was time to make the switch to underwear and using the potty.

I first focused efforts on Claire and after a week of her doing really well, I started Quinn. Both kids seems to be doing great and I even made a tweet claiming that I had two out of the three potty trained.

(Jake is a whole other story. He is totally not ready and if given the opportunity would sit in a dirty diaper for days. He just doesn’t get it.  I think Christmas is when we’ll start him.)

Things were going really well. And I even patted myself on the back for figuring out a way to successfully potty train triplets. But then something happened.

Claire and Quinn started to refuse to sit on the potty. They cried and fussed every time. And I had to ask them, they just stopped telling me. They both began just peeing in their underwear and Quinn has taken to pooping in his. They ask, no beg, to be put back in diapers.

And then there was this fiasco.

I had to make a quick trip to the store. As usual, after a fight, I had Quinn and Claire go potty before we left. I figured this would give me at least an hour to shop and get things done.

For the most part, the trip went smoothly but as we were in line at to check out, I noticed Quinn begin to play with himself, a sure sign he needed to pee.  Hayden then told me that he had to pee and that he could take Quinn to the bathroom with him.

I wasn’t sure about the idea at first but I felt I had no choice. I had most of my cart unloaded on the belt and the line behind me was long and Quinn started his potty dance so I let them go.

I watched them walk off to the bathroom and said a little prayer that God would keep them safe from child molesters.

“Make sure to use the woman’s bathroom. THE WOMAN’S ROOM!” I yelled after Hayden. I then looked up at the cashier hoping for some support, hoping it would be a mom who would understand this struggle but all the young guy gave me was an eye roll and then another one.

Quickly, I emptied the rest of the cart onto the belt all the time watching for Hayden and Quinn to return and soon my gaze fell upon Hayden leaving the bathroom, alone.

I knew something was wrong so I told the cashier that I had to take my kids to the bathroom and ran with Jake and Claire in tow. I met Hayden on his walk back and asked, “Where is Quinn?”

Hayden, God love him, gave me a blank stare so I pushed past him to the bathroom only to find Quinn screaming at the top of his lungs, pants around his ankles, soaked and standing in a puddle.

I did the only thing I could do. I scooped him up and ran back to the cart hoping that by now, all the groceries where in bags and I could just pay and go. As we got closer to the cart, I realize that Claire in not beside me.

I looked up and saw her standing a few feet away from me in a puddle of her own.

“Mom, I peed,” she said once I was in ear shot.

I wanted to just run and hide. I wanted to wake up from this horrible dream but I couldn’t. This was real, this was my life.

So with Quinn still soaked and screaming, I deposited him in the cart, got back to Claire, deposited her in the cart, threw the grocery bags in the cart, paid, told the cashier that he  needed to call someone to clean up a pee puddle in the Ladies room and another one by the pony and left.

I smiled as sweetly as I could as we walked by the cashier but all I got was yet another eye roll.

So yeah, I. Am. Done.

Diapers in college, here they come.

I am sharing this with you as my Mortifying Mommy Moment and linking up with Mommy Mombo.

Exactly What a Hoping to Soon to Have Her Kids Potty Trained Mom Wants to Hear

Let me set the scene for you. I am in the bathroom and I have called for the little kids to come in one by one to get their diapers changed before nap. Hayden strolls in to go potty. He sits down just as I finish changing Claire and pick up Jake.

Hayden: “Mom, I don’t have to wear diapers any more, right? I can go pee in the potty so I can wear undies.”

Me: “Yup, that right.”

Hayden: “Claire, if you want to wear underwear like me then you have to learn to go potty.”

Claire: “I don’t want to wear underwear. I going to pee in my diaper.”

Hayden: “Well Claire, you are almost three years old and that is when they potty trained me so pretty soon you will get potty trained too.”

Claire: “I don’t want to!”

Hayden: “Ok honey, how about when you are five?”

Claire: “NO!”

Hayden: “Well, how about when you are sixteen?”

Claire: YEAH!!! *jumping around doing a happy dance* I have diapers till I fixteen!”

Me: *eye roll*

So much for that college fund. I guess we will be spending a lot more money on diapers than I had originally planned.